I am working a two different Radome (28' and 35') foundation designs. The plan is to use a ring wall type foundation system. Determining the size of this ring wall for overturning is fairly straight forward. The problem is determining the bearing pressure. As the wind blows on the dome, it...
We are currently just looking at the drawings. The call out is not for the metal plate connected timber truss. The member in question is a beam for a flat roof of an airport terminal. It appears that it is some type of lightweight member that JStephen talks about and we cannot track down any...
I am currently analyzing existing roof framing members and there is a strange call out. Several of the members are shown to be MPC14x17.3?? I cannot find any information on what this actually is. The project was done back in the early 80's if that makes a difference. Any guidance would be...
I thank you all for the valuable input. To clear up some things, they are "rock bolts" as the rock is the main foundation system. We use the bolts to tie 4' to 6' tall piers to the ground. Also "no movement" is and can be very important for these particular types of towers. They have...
I am working on a design for a comm. tower for remote cell sites in alaska. Most of these sites make use of 150ksi all thread drilled and embeded into the bedrock. It is the only option to keep these towers down. The problem i am having is with the pretension part. Our factored desgin load...
well now i feel a little dumb. You are right. The 2012 k and 20 k is the actual loading. And you have the right e. I was changing from ft-kip to in-kip in mathcad twice and didnt realize it until you came up with the correct e.
Also i discovered that i was setting up my compression block...
Im am new to the design world and have not been quite understanding some things. Just when i think i have itt all figured out I run into something even more confusing.
In my down time i have been revisiting a design that to me from feild experince seemed like it was way over designed. Its a...
Im am designing a monopole cellular comm. tower. The base plate has a circular pattern of 20 bolts (42 in dia.). I have been looking in both ACI 318-08 and AISC thrid edition. Both books seem to be geared toward square or rectangular patterns. Is there different methods used for a circular...
If you look in IBC section 1704.3.3 you should find what you need. I am looking at a '03 version but it should be consistent in the newer ones as well. Hope this helps.
I am looking into a concrete foundation alternative. However we are still exploring the pile foundation (24" D with a 1.375 wall thickness). It is this plate connection that I am having the problem with.
I am fairly new to the design world. Currently I am working a a monopole pile foundation system and am having difficulties with the pile to pole connection. Im not really sure which direction to head as far as figuring out how thick the pile cap plate should be, and how to figure out if there...