the stainless steel can be 308 309 316 304 any common welding grade. conditions are as in pipe welded in the field with I.D. purge. Can you tell me if it would change the ferritic number. Would this be measurable on a severn gauge?
when a welding stainless steels. A welder holds the shielding gas over the end of the weld from his gtaw rig, after pulling out of his arc and while the weld is still red hot does this create a martinsitic area?
on a mainsteam line of P5A material "as found" it had a Brinell Hardness AVG of 140 and 134 is this right? only 67,000 and 65,000 psi? welding with 9018 B3. wall thickness of 4.2". Can not do a temper bead process due to joint design. I want to use a SMAW process with PWHT 1350 F +or- 25 F...