I am curently using NX and i would like to know if is possible to insert a shaded view, or maybe something like invert colors that will fill a view.
I have attached a picture for better understanding (done in paint)
Thank You,
Thnx for the reply.
But that menu let me change the type of detail to: none, circle, note, label, embedded or boundary.
I want to keep this style with the arrow (label), but reposition the arrow somewhere else on the circle.
Hello, I am using NX
I have a question about detailed view. To create one, I select insert detailed view, then FIRST CLICK will define the center of the view and SECOND CLICK the location of the view label arrow. After a detailed view is done, I would like to change the location of the...
I would like to find a way of cutting 2 mm from small AL sheet metal with 0.5 mm thickness.
Could you advise me towards a method of doing it (preferably a cheap one)? As a note, I have 6.000 parts so I need something else then tin snips.
P.S I have attached also a picture.
Thank You...
nkwheelguy ,
thx for that info. That option exists also in NX4 but the faces I use are drafted in different directions and the middle one is also a drafted cylinder so i am not sure about how the Blend Cross Section law controled R1adius parameters should be.
thx for the reply. I tried...
First of all, i am using NX
I would like to know if is possible to create a Blend tangent to 3 faces. A command similar with the drawing TTT (tangent-tangent-tangent), but in model enviroment, between 3 faces.
What i have done is midsurface comand (or a plane) through the middle...