you can create textfiles from XY-Data with the Report function in the Visualization module.
Record a Macro while creating and saving the data - look at it and edit the python file for your purpose (by adding loops, nodes numbers etc.). Scriping is a very powerful tool if you have to do...
Sorry ... the link above does not work.
Try [link portal.tugraz.at/portal/page/portal/TU_Graz/Einrichtungen/Institute/Homepages/i2130/software]this one[/url] or go to www.hydro.tugraz.at and then the software tab as mentioned above.
Kind regards,
Hi all,
I finally finished a script that should do the trick.
You can find it here.
(If the link doesn't work go to www.hydro.tugraz.at and then the software tab)
Scroll down and look for "Scripts for ABAQUS CAE" - abq3Dmesh2geom.py
I'm looking forward for your comments and suggestions !
Hello Bartosz,
thank you very much ! This is exactly what I was looking for.
Before I found some reference to this files with google etc., but never where to get them. Thanks again !
Hi everyone,
I have to do a modification to the Coulomb-Friction model in abaqus. I use the FRIC sub, but now some non-convergences appear.
Has someone an idea where I can find a FRIC subroutine for the already built in Coulomb model in abaqus ?
Thanks and regards,
Dear all,
is there anywhere an example for an user subroutine UINTER for 3d solids ?
Good would be a comparable one (to the built ins) like hard (n) and rough (t) or soft (n) and penalty (t)contact ...
Thanks in advance,
session.viewports['Viewport: 1'].odbDisplay.basicOptions.setValues(
... I hope this is it.
In general you can look at the abaqus.rpy file in the temporary folder. There all your actions in the cae session are recorded as a python file.
Best regards,
Thanks a lot ... at least it is a final answer and I dont have to look for a possibility.
I will combine the data from the inp and the sat files as you suggested ... just some additional work for nothing :o(
Sad, because ,after my opinion, it must not be too hard to implement this in CAE...
... the inp works (when its necessary, I could do minor changes in the input-file, in a way that 6.7 could read it). The problem is, that I also need the geometry information because I want to perform some shape optimisation ...
But thanks anyhow,
I hope, I mean the correct material model ...
I think you need: E, nue, sigma0, n and alpha
... wiki:
and the section in the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual:
19.2.13 Deformation plasticity (in the 6.7EF release at least)
There are the...
I'm doing a project with a partner in another office. He is using CAE 6.9 while I`m using still 6.7 (because of user subroutines, available compiler, ...).
Does anybody know, if there is a possibility for my colleague to save the .cae-files in 6.9 (or assembly) in a way that I can use it...