We rely on a new performance filter technology that was developed by a company that builds sophisticated military systems. We ran into these guys last year while submitting bid proposals. It's really well designed and engineered and the performance in all areas of measurement is first rate. They...
They are poor quality oiled cotton gauze engine air intake filters. These will be replaced immediately with new technology, dry media filters. I use the R2C. The concern is engine temps in summer traffic.
I understand.
I have no intention of using the cotton gauze filters. I replace them immediately. In terms of restriction when loading occurs and particle pass through, these are not to be considered in any application. The new filter technolgy available is far superior in terms of...
Examing this picture, I have concerns regarding the impact these components would have on effective heat transfer/radiator efficiency, especially in summer traffic. Are my concerns valid? It appears to block 30-40% of the radiator surface area on a A/C equipped, 350 RWHP daily driver. I also...
Thanks Deltona.
What would this converging duct look like?
I was concerned with the filter placement in terms of efficient flow as well. I intend to take temp readings across the radiator and behind the tubing/filters to determine if any significant differences are evident. I'm still...
Thanks Rod,
I took the other side of this discussion when it came up here. It's a basically stock, A/C equipped sedan with approx. 350 wheel horsepower. The car is equipped with the stock cooling fan. I couldn't imagine that hot spots along the condensor/radiator wouldn't have developed along...
Examing this picture, I have concerns regarding the impact these components would have on effective heat transfer/radiator efficiency. Are my concerns valid? It appears to block 30-40% of the surface area on a daily driver.