I have to do a program which generates a footing drawing after design is done manually.
Plan will have the Footing in Top view,
Section will have the Column and the Footing in section. Could anybody please help to get started
hi guys!
I would like to develop a VB program which will plot points, lines, polygons and inserts blocks into CAD. But here i have a constraint because i have only one legal autocad 2000, so i would like to develop my own CAD editor with simple utilities like pan, zoom and save/export. Can...
I have drawings done on AutoCAD, the problem is i have to read the X, Y co-ordinates of all entities other than text. (i.e. X, Y co-ordinates of all polylines, points and blocks)
Is there any lisp to read co-ordintes of entities depending upon the layer in which its located.