Just to let everyone know, the college has procured the Fluid Power Circuits Explained book. We are on our 7th class now and following the outline Bud provides the class is going smoothly, we are working the explained circuits on the trainers (I have 3 to use) and I feel the students are...
Gentlemen, I think I have found a text book for my class. I really appreciate the recommendations.
Bud, Is the Ebook the only way to get a copy of the Circuits Explained book? Also, and I realize I am asking a lot, I am curious to see your class outlines and tests for this same book. I have...
Maytag, it is funny you mention that. I do have 3 trainers in the classroom (one just hydraulic, one just pneumatic, and one that is both). The downside is that they are from the 70's and I can not get updated materials for them. The upside is they still work and I have been incorporating...
I realized after I posted the thread that James and Jack are not the same. The middle initial and last name got me. Do you know James as well?
As for what we are trying to teach, you have raised a good question. At first I was going to teach advanced controls as they are related to...
PNachtwey, thank you for the help. It just so happens that for the "Introduction" class this term I am using James L. Johnson's text "Introduction to Fluid Power", which has been great. It is obvious that you are familiar with his work. However, I can't seem to find his next logical...
Right now I am teaching "Introduction to Fluid Power" as an adjunct instructor at a local college. Next semester I am scheduled to teach "Advanced Fluid Power". The curriculum is new to this college so they do not have any texts that they are currently using. I am building classroom materials...