The pit isn't located at a weld or crevice of any kind. It is located where the vapor is condensing on the plates. The corrosion deposits seem to originate where the vapor enters the condenser and dissipate as you move out.
I am curious to know if the stamping process for the plates is...
A metallurgical lab did look did look in to this and their findings were as follows: Plate deposits were oxides of 300SS, no corrosion under deposits, plate conforms to 316SS, a pit are was examined after cross sectioning and revealed intergranular attack. 400x pictures show intergranular...
I have a corrosion problem that I am trying to make sense of. The corrosion is occurring on the plates of a condenser in a skid packaged evaporation unit. The plates are 316 SS and are showing intergranular corrosion on the vapor side of the vapor/water line on the plates. The unit operates...