Thanks for all the great suggestions. What is a Comminutor?
I guess what it all comes down to is the fact that the maintenance guys for the jail need to check and clean the strainer basket twice a day so the pumps don't lock up.
They used to have a stainless steel pin directly behind the...
They installed a large basket type strainer to caputure sheets and such, I failed to mention that they flush EVERYTHING and ANYTHING down the drain. The inmates do not have waste baskets. Sporks, mustard packs, oranges, apples, paper bags, paper towels, shoes, anything that they get there...
Hello, first time post. My fellow co-workers are taking an ass kicking on a regular basis due to in my eyes an improperly designed lift station. Daily the pumps are locking up due to debris such as clothing and bed sheets. Would sewage grinding pumps tackle this type of problem or would they...