I am doing pushover for a bridge bent. However, SAP V12 gave me error messages. For P-M3 input, I used the prestress pile IA from (Concrete Technology Corporation) CTC and modifed to SAP input as ratio;however, I got "The axial force is not increasing monotonically at point 11 on curve 1...
I have assigned two different ways for force vs deformation in SAP. First, from Lpile, the unit is Force (lb/in) and deformation (in) and I just copy and paste those value to SAP 2000 under force and displacment column. I then compare the result of deflection for SAp and Liple with...
I am trying to input the P-y curve from LPile (nonlinear soil spring)to SAP 2000.
I used Link/Support Properties and input the value in the Force (lbs) and Displ (in) column in SAP. However, the result is not correct. Units of P-y curve from Liple are lb/in and in, and I convert the unit...