Hi, Sreid,thank you for your ideal, I am sure your ideal will be ok if I have no choice.
In this old building,I just did exactly as Waross advised; wired a ground inside the flex from motor to the box/control panel.
Hi, guys, Thanks very much for reply and gave me so valuable help. I am very glad to hear from you. This is first time I visit this forum and I am very happy you all are so nice . Merry Christmas and Happy New year!
Hi, Dpc:
Thanks so much for reply. Yes, the feeder is metallic conduit,but I want to know whether the inspector will approal or not as per the code if we assume the feeder conduit will serve as a grounding. Since We installed a lot new feeder with EMT,it is metallic, but we still need a...
Hi, I was asked to replace a new 3phase 208 Voltage,10hp motor to a old one. But unfortunatly, the old feeder to control panel no grouding,so how can I grunding?, befor the old motor no grunding still worked long time,Can I igord the grunding in this situation? Thank so much for reply.