Hi all friends:
I am recently encounter a problem concerning defining beam on elastic foundation model in ABAQUS.
Could someone please give me some instructions to set up that model or give me some hints about that?
To Varved:
Thank you for your immediate help.
I have checked your .inp file and successfully run the job. However, after checking your definition, it might not be the definition for elastic foundation because i see you define surface to surface interaction and apply a load between two...
To geotechniqa:
However, when I search the ABAQUS help file with keywords like "elastic foundation", no input file can be located.....
Anyway, thank you for your suggestions.
To Corus:
Thank you for your instruction.
However, when I use the 3D,deformable and wire to model the beam and employ the beam elements. It seems that the elastic foundation in the interaction module does not allow me to select the area where elastic foundation locates because elastic...
Hi all friends:
I am recently encounter a problem concerning defining beam on elastic foundation model in ABAQUS.
Could someone please give me some instructions to set up that model or give me some hints about that?
Hello all friends here:
I want to ask a question:
"How to deactivate solidworks2008 license in one PC and then transfer to another PC? Are there any instruction I could follow?"
If some friends know how to do this, could you please do me a favor?
Highly appreciate.
I deeply thank you for your assistance and I have successfully got the results and seen the stress contours.
However, i still have three questions to ask you if you do not mind answering:
1. Why Linux ABAQUS do not support "submit" button to get the job calculated? Is there any...
Hi all friends:
I am an ABAQUS user and I have a question about LINUX ABAQUS.
Actually, when i finish all defining precedures in LINUX ABAQUS and submit the job, the job status will always remain "submitted" and never "running",which means that my job is not calculated. And after several...