JAE - If I had to match an abutting structure, I would still go with a shotcrete facing as that can be sculpted and colored to match any desired situation (www.boulderscapes.com)
Generally when a LDS is used we place the granular base over the LDS and then your final pavement - when using a...
JAE - If you are going to use a precast panel wall as the facia wall, which is generally placed on a footer and then tied into the load distribution slab (LDS). With precast panel walls, we generally have a gap of several inches between the precast panel wall and the geofoam assembly.
JAE - anytime you stack geofoam up above the angle of repose creating a vertical facia wall with the geofoam - you end up creating a zero lateral load on the vertical facia wall.
If you need more information - please do not hesitte to touch base with me at geofoam@insulfoam.com
If you place the geofoam above the plane of failure of the native soils you will end up with a zero net lateral load factor on the wall.
Nico Sutmoller
Geofoam Specialist