at first I would suggest to check the mass source (Define - Define mass source). It is important that "additionall masses" are used.
Afterwards it should be checked if there is any kind of displacment of the joint and the link element.
Perhaps you could place the sdb-file here, this would...
Dear Sirs,
we want to know how the response-spectrum curve will automatically be adjusted from the function damping value to the actual damping present in the model.
We just found an answer (see below), but our simplified calculations (S-DOF System) show a different behaviour.
Please clarify...
Thanks Thomas,
but I need a nonlinear relationship depending on the velocity and not on the frequency.
At the moment I think it is only possible to edit the bulk data as you guessed
best regards,
Dear Sirs,
I want to define a damper (force - velocity relationship) in FEMAP. So far I found the description of a CBUSH1D Element in the NASTRAN manual. Unfortuntately I can not find any possibility in FEMAP to use this kind of element.
What can I do ?
Thanks for your answer, but I do not think its a bug I think the "link - element" is not the right element I want to use. I want "pure" stiffness behaviour in the 3 directions without shear / moment transfer.
Dear Sirs,
so far we us linear link elements to simulate a spring.
The problem of the link element is that is also transfers shear forces / moments. E.g. I define a linear spring link element with stiffnesses in all three (x,y,z,) directions.
If I conncect two joints (with different z...