Hi All! We're currently planning to convert our water distribution system from an overhead storage/gravity flow system to a constant pressure water system. Our consumption is estimated at 120-150 cu.m/day. How do i size my pump and bladder tank?
thank you,
appreciate your feedback as well as the clarifications about the use of these forums.
i had made researches and found several notes and tips the reason i came out with the inquiries above to validate the info i got. anyhow, thanks for the help. another lesson learned.
Thank you DrRTU. What I want to know are the industry standards for a shopping center design criteria since the mall don't have the established set of engineering standards yet.
thank you,
That would be of big help as I also need to determine the air flow capacity for the installation particularly its effects on the cooling capacity.
I just get into a job that requires me to review and evaluate the HVAC system for a soon to be constructed shopping center. What are the design criteria for a shopping center in terms of the following:
1. Design temperature and/or temperature range
2. Air change requirement
3. No. of person per...