Offcourse elevator system installation is something to be supervised by a mechanical engineer.But beforw that civil engineer has to ensure the required structural clearances including machine room size, hoistway dimensions,pit depth, overhead clearances, to match with the respective elevator...
While calculating the pump head in a closed loop chilled water system, we need to determine the total friction losses that a pump is supposed to overcome in the piping loop.For this purpose only supply line upto the coil (AHU / FCU etc) should be taken in account or return line from coil back to...
Any thumb rule avilable to find out the heating load of a building.For example with an estimated cooling load of 15 tons, i will put a 20 tons packaged A/C unit to achieve this load for a building. Now if i want to specify a heating element coil for the same area, how can i find out the capacity...
Can we construct a septic tank with an arrangement that all the sewage disposal drops into the septic tank through inlet pipe.There is no out let arrangement, rather its bed has been made porous with an intention that soft soil below will keep sucking the effluent.Is this practice acceptable or...
Why ammonia refrigeration is preferred over conventional refrigeration when it comes to industrial scale. Also i have seen ammonia refrigeration has been used for central A/C system in a commercial building.Is there any reason other than ammonia is cheaper and it is environment friendly and does...
Can someone please explain the working of a pressure independent VAV terminal unit.How it is controlled through thermostat, is it CFM that we adjust atthe thermostat or the temperature.Thanks