Mass flow related to thrust and thrust is usually specified for each mission (U name it stage of flight), together with altitude and aircraft speed. You can find MFR by simulation of engine cycle. Recently I saw one online tool and there were jet engines in samples. Search for "software for...
Who can advise the reliable program for axial compressor performance calculation ?
I heard very good words about about some legacy program named 11122 or something like (I am not quite sure in name).
Thanks in advance
As output power is a production of heat drop to mass flow then if you want to increase power twice you wil need to increase flow rate too. This way the flow path area of each blade row should be doubled. Very rough estimation tells that size will increcsed by 1.44 (sqrt(2)
I run meanline analysis in AxSTREAM. Here component stands for either rotor or stator.
The expansion is almost the same in both cases excluding last stage (see charts below)
And the reaction of last stage will be negative. It means that rotor works in compressor mode.
All simulation above...
Thanks hemi
I dig Net and see that all benefits are for engine. We have design/analysis s/w tool for radial machines (meanline analysis).The task is to analyze inflow RT with twin scroll.
As far as I see tweens are used to eliminate cross-influence of cylinder exhaust . I worry that often this...
2 Icecool
I U'd give me temp after reheater and data about other extractio I can remodel thi turbine. Are theer any references to its original specification?
To define new pressure distribution it is nacessary to run meanline analysis of whole flow path at least. As I wrote early to do it it is necessary to know flow path and cascades geometry.
Other way is to try to remodel your turbine with preliminary design tool.
What you know about it? Is HP...
2 racookpe1978
It is funny but process simulation shows that 75-bar-cycle (green line) lays completely outside wet area so it looks more safe from wet erosion point.
2 icecool
Turbine constant is derivative from "Stodola Cone Law". It is simple correlation between inlet temperature...
Sorry, I was a bit wrong about enthalpy. Really it slightly increased when pressure drops to 75 bar.
The real problem is Mass Flow Rate (MFR).
I am not clear are you about new turbine design or drop pressure on existing turbine.
For 1st case you can design new turbine with 75 bar inlet pressure...
For sure your turbine will produce less power. The best way to look to TS diagram. Less pressure cause less enthalpy of inlet flow. Also low inlet pressure leads to lower mass flow rate (if you can't preserve it with some control means). As power is in general the production of heat drop...