The tubesheet material is 3/4" thick and is SA516-70. They are rerolled couple of times when necessary(we know re-rolling is an issue/overexpansion). The tubes are rolled to full roll(thickness of the tubesheet). 12% wall reduction (to the expanders recommended reduction). The holes are drilled...
We are currently experiencing leaks on our tubesheets, they are drilled to 3/8 diameter, and have copper tubes in those holes, we are using aire_tool expanding guns and expanding tools, but we cant pin point why we are having so many leaks, any suggestions? mayeb a specific rolling pattern? any...
We are currently experiencing leaks on our tubesheets, they are drilled to 3/8 diameter, and have copper tubes in those holes, we are using airetool expanding guns, but we cant pin point why we are having so many leaks, any suggestions?