OK, I had been thinking more in the range of $15-$20 foot (about 3000 feet total). Could you tell me, do they weld the pipe joints or are they mechanically restrained or thrust blocks used? what is the most common for a small line such as this?
I am gathering some back ground information for what is required to install a 2" diameter forcemain.
What material is best suited, pvc, pe? And can anyone give just a rough idea of cost/foot assuming:
3' cover, mid-atlantic state, no rock, on-site private system, there really aren't any...
Thanks for your answers everyone.
Regarding elevation, the force main will rise up about 50 static feet (realize need to account for friction also, just not to that point of detailed calcs yet). The two extra points that I would like to connect are near the top of the top of the run, say...
I am preparing a small study for integrating 3 outlying structures on septic systems on a property.
I plan on installing a small package sewer pump station... type Zoeller, E/One, etc. with a 1" or 2" force main. Estimated daily flow is only about 800gpd at this low point.
Along the way to...