Alain, I helped to install a number of Units here in the UK in the shoe industrie, all have now been decommissioned. I did however buy a few complete systems and still have the DOS Systems Software and Dongles. No, there is no large market now, moden robotics trjectorys seem to have better OS...
Theatronics, Val2, I was brought up on the Puma's. They were manufactured here in the UK. On on the Floppy Side of things. I have written a VB6 Program to emulate the 5-1/4 Floppy on a Standard PC, even the Operating system can be downloaded.I have 10 systems using this software. You could also...
Thanks, have download a demo version, will check it out, Will this help on site where each customer would require their own PC. Out of the office this week, glue layeing with a Kawasaki SD130 using a CAD packacge that i written in VB.NET, It's only a 4 Axis Robot so i don't require a 3D Package...
I agree, but i need to keep my customers happy, and has you say, to be up with the avaialability and the cost of a VGB board or the Offline Adept windows. Looks like I must write a windows front end in VB.NET to talk serial to the CS7 and Ethernet of the CS7B. I simply need a 3D Libary DLL...
Yes, you are correct, but we still have many V+ Staubli Systems that could do with a simple low cost 3D trajectory maker. That is if we require a Joint position every 16 ms for true TCP speed control, what is good about the VTRAJSIG is the smoothing Filters and the 3D Arc profiling that is...
Checking thread277-123312, Whats the Current Status of the Offline V_TRAJSIG Software, Current Applications now have V_PAINT a graphical interface which helps with the the parameter file of speeds and segment types, the file managments of trajectoires etc.. I belive this could be done better via...