Its a carrier weather-maker 8000, I can't tell from the manuals if its a condensing unit or not. The connections to the exhaust vent are not pvc, they look like normal duct material(metal). The unit has pvc water drains leaving the unit.
From reading the manual, it seems like the exhaust vent...
Any thoughts on how to determine if its a condensing or standard unit? Its from 2003, it does have pvc drains running out of the furnace.
The fact that its an 8" vent might just be the byproduct of an earlier heating system, since the house was built in the 50's...
Is there anything I can do to stop it? What would have changed for there to be so much more condensation now? Could there be something wrong with my furnace? Or the way the new chimney was installed?
Here is the situation, moved into this house about 1 year ago in the winter. About 6 months later we replaced the roof, the roofer also replaced the aluminum chimney that wraps the exhaust vent for a high-efficiency gas furnace. The duct/vent is 8" and it runs thru an unheater attic area before...