I checked the current draw at the time of the failure, and no peak was registered, After releasing the brakes manually we turned the gearbox without any problem. You're right for the braking system, there were some alarm reported, but I thing the intensity would have peaked.
I have to check the...
Thank you for your elements of answer, I agree with CoryPad for the combination of bending and rotating fatigue. The conveyor has 2 primary drives and one secondary drive (the one that failed). The 3 drives are 500kW, design of the conveyor is 1400tph, demand power in normal operation is 1121kW...
Could you help with the failure analysis of this shaft?
The shaft is the gearbox output shaft toward a low speed coupling. The gearbox is on a conveyor secondary drive assembly.
Do you know what preliminary engineering means? Of course I'll go for a structural detailed engineering. The proposition was just to have an idea. My main concern is to have the rigth configuration for load study. Anyway thanks for your very nice answer, and forget about it.
I need an advise from a structural engineer. I want to design a small steel construction able to support 35 metric tonnes (truck loaded) I want to use 4 IPE 360 of 12m (Galvanized), joined (length between IPE 60cm), length between the IPE: 1,3m, on concrete foundation separated by 10 metres. The...
I need more information about the access on a grizzly. What is the standard opening that allow workers to walk on it. Operators need to maintain some equipment that can only be reached using the grizzly. At this time the openings are too small, and the material can't get through the grizzly, I...
I want to realize a comparative study of three backhoes:
- CASE 695
- JCB 4CX expert
- FB 200.2 (Fiat Hitachi)
After reviewing their main technical characteristics, I can't really decide which one has the best ratio quality/price. I need some feedback from experience. So if you've already...
The wall thickness is precised by the sch40 pipe for diam1" (0.133), length of the two pipes:18". Material ASTM A53, I will try different type of weld, or material strength... once I will have some calculation to work with. I already worked on the maximum torque that can be supported...
As the range of the torque value can change, I need to know how much the weld will transmit before it breaks. So I need the maximum torque value that will be support by the weld.
Thanks for your help.
I need to weld 2 pipes like a T diam 1", sch40 carbon steel. A torque will be applied on it. what are the calculations to determine if the welding between the two pipes will be strong enough for the use?
I have to redesign a 18" T wrench to remove 1 5/8" hex nut head, first think was all carbon steel, but some ask for aluminium pipe welded with carbon steel socket section (!!).
I mentioned the problem of resistance of this heavy duty tool, but I need expert answer for the welding problem.