I am not a controls engineer, but have been around electronics for several decades. The cost of Solid State Relays is three times that of Electromechanical Relays which have been around for ever. For this application, both must be Class I Div. II capable. My question is, why should I select...
I had considered Lazers, but have no experience along that line. Would need a high update rate and accurrate distance measurement. Accelerometers would add mass to a very light peak (plastic) poppet. Acoustic distance I have used but feel it may be too slow. Anyone have experience with Lazers...
We design compressor valves and revamp old compressors adding efficientcy as well as longivity. Mainly an engineering firm. This valve is our design with a patent pending.
I need to instrument and dynamic monitor reciprocating compressor poppet valve motion. The poppet is mushroom shaped, made of peak material (plastic), operates in an atomosphere => 250 F, and is located internal to a gas compressor operating at 1200 rpm. Compressor valves consists of multiple...
Wow! I got a lot of good suggestions. The use of gears, mag pickups, and proximitors,.... I have used all of them over the years. Staying in sinc with the rotation of the compressor crankangle is important as we are generating PV cards for research. We have a two throw motor driven...
While there are many rotational function generators that give 360 ppr, they rely on direct coupling to a rotating shaft. What I am looking for is a way to place 360 marks, painted bars, reflective strips, etc. on one section of a flat 12 inch diameter coupling, and using something like a bar...