Gwubs: Yes, I was trying to extrude from a 2-D profile. I wanted a NACA0010 airfoil-shaped profile, and the only way I know how to get one into SW is by using import XYZ points. But I couldn't figure out what to do with the curve next so that I could extrude it.
But I just found a solution a...
I think I must have been unclear in my original post. That is what I have already done. The problem is that once I do that, there's nothing I can do to the curve after that.
I'm trying to make a shell with an airfoil-shaped (NACA 0010) cross section. I can import the data points as a curve through XYZ points. This works fine, but the curve exists outside of a sketch so I don't really know how to work with it. I want to have the airfoil shape in a sketch so I can...
I'm playing with a thin-walled cylindrical pressure vessel in COSMOSWorks, and I was wondering if there was a way to measure hoop stress (aside from calculating it theoretically). Any ideas?