Thanks a lot for everyone's help! I have kind of a follow-up question to this then. I'd like to use a transformer to build an internal power supply (along with bridge rectifier, capacitors, voltage regulators, etc.). My question is, how do I compute the necessary power rating for the...
Thanks for the responses sisif and itsmoked! Yes, I forgot to mention that the motors do run on 5-6V. They run under a pretty heavy load (specifically as part of a peristaltic pump), so they draw a lot of current. It does seem like a pretty low voltage, but they work really well; the motors are...
This is probably a simple question, but I'm more of a computer guy with some experience in logical circuit design (i.e., electricity is not my strong point). I need to know how to build a power supply circuit for a project I'm working on, and here is a description of it: We have a basic circuit...