I have a design that requires a steel band to be clamped around a round steel shell. For reference the band is 1/2" thick x 4" wide and clamps around a steel cylinder 36" diameter and 1/4" wall. Given that I know the tension on the band clamp how does this force determine the radial stress the...
Our office has a project which involves designing a potable water supply for a 74 room 3 story motel. I can total up the usage per fixture based on the state code no problem. But not every room will be filling the tub and flushing the water closet at the same instant. It seems that there should...
I recently had to determine the torsional stress on a structural channel (C10x15.3). I used the formula which has the torsional resistance as a factor in the equation. However I could not find a reference that listed this parameter as a property of the section. I ended up calculating the...
A client needs to remove a section of vertical wall from an above ground storage tank. The tank is 60 feet diameter x 30 feet high. The section to be removed is at grade 8 feet high x 12 feet of circumference. Is there a reference I could use to calculate the stress on the remaining wall and how...