connectegr, that is my next step. Once I determine the feasibility of this option (which I now have), I will be doing the weld design. I will most likely start with a 1/4" fillet and go from there. I also have to do research on how to design this weld and to make sure to consider all of the...
Thanks everyone for your input! The sections are 6"x8"x1/4" and 6"x10"x1/4" with min radius at 8'-8". Well, those sizes are for A500 GR.B and the fabricator will surely want to use A36, so I will have to upsize them a bit. The whole point of this effort is to save money. Shobraco, I too am...
I am working on a project where the owner wants to make a custom (home made) steel rectangular HSS. I have currently designed these members as HSS, ASTM A-500 GR. B. The cost of rolling the HSS on a radius is blowing the budget so we are trying to investigate options. The members are full arches...
Thanks guys... for lateral restraint at the top of the pile do you mean a pile cap or does it need to be more rigid (like a slab)? Please refer to the attached free body diagram... is that what you mean?
Also, my professional ethic doesn't allow me to do something that I can't support with...
I am working on a project where I have vertical loads, lateral loads (in X and Z directions) and an applied moment that needs to be resisted by piles. The contractor wants me to resist all of those loads on a single pile. Based on my limited experience with pile design, I am not certain that I...
I am looking to buy a program for concrete retaining wall design and analysis... I am curious what you might suggest... please let me know what you are currently using and if you like it.
I am looking to buy a program for concrete retaining wall design and analysis... I am curious what you might suggest... please let me know what you are currently using and if you like it.
Is there anyway to convert several lines of single line text to multi line text? I have the latest version of ACAD LT (2011). I have old notes that were created in earlier versions of ACAD in single line text that I would love to convert to multiline text. Any help is appreciated.
It doesn't make since to me why an engineer would specify "frangible" reinforcement either. The project I'm referring to is on the coast of Florida and subject to wave action during a hurricane... after reviewing this more, I'm thinking the lower floor at or below the wave crests is actually...
I have recently come across a specification for "frangible" rebar in a concrete footing. Does anyone have any info on "frangible" reinforcement? I have googled it and called a couple suppliers and can't find any explanation.