Not sure your part or mold will allow it but make a simple putty to fill the tight radius. Add chopped fibers if you need additional strength. Putty should be applied wet and cure with the overall layup.
Any resin will degrade when exposed to UV. Gel coat will help as will UV inhibitor. Vinyl ester can handle temp to 300F and 350 cps.
Epicure 3218 is a pretty good room temp curing agent used with Bis A epoxy. Believe with heloxy modifiers can reduce the viscosity where you want it.
The carbon layer would be on the top and exposed to the liquid. We can put an additional carbon layer anywhere within the laminate. Are you saying its better to put the second layer on the outside skin to totally encapsulate the laminate including the balsa or just on the outside of the balsa...
Berkshire, you see in the attachement how large the unit is. It has a core construction I have attached a pic of that cross section in this message. Can you be more specific on the details of how to do this in this application? Would the carbon fiber veil be what you consider a conductive...
We manufacture FRP over the road tankers and customer has a question about static charge and how to dissipate during loading or unloading. There is a carbon fiber conductive layer but not sure how to address this problem in a practical manner.
Thanks for the help.
I used to mfg. custom composite furniture and had the same print thru problem. You are correct about the heat and sun causing the problem but once print thru has occured the gel coat can be surfaced and print thru will NOT reappear.