BigInch, thank you for the answer. The PD will be able to cover all the "surprises" might apear. A relief valve with a return line is already in my mind for protecting the pipline and the pump. The booster is wanted (not by me). The motor power was required by EE for his estimations. The...
Micalbrch, thank you very much for yor answer. I highlighted at the begining that the whole this story is in coceptual stage. The requirement was to find out what is needed mechanical, electrical, instumentation, etc. wise. This is why I tried to appreciate the the power. I know the motor should...
Gentlemen, first of all,thank you very much for your input to this thread. I will try to answer to the questions raised above and I will inform you about what I understood so far: downstream PD pump is a line of about 70km (not much info regarding the ground configuration along the line) which...
JJ Pellin, thank you for your quick answer. First, I need to highlight: it's a concept, but, still there are some clear data. The NPSHa is more than 5 ft (I studied some manufacturers' datasheets and, as you said, the minimum should be 3ft). The problem is not that the suction conditions colud...
Gentlemen, first of all I would like to salute everybody and to express my appreciations regarding this Forum. I’m a poor beginner, so, please, be patient with me. Currently, I’m involved in a concept regarding the transfer of oil from a tank to a storage area far away from our tank. I suggested...