I need some help in determining the negative static pressure in a room where supply cfm, exhaust cfm, & room volume are known. A simple equation with inches of water column units would be preferred. Information will be used for determining the set-point for a room monitor.
Thanks, Dennis
Grandfathering Power Requirements to Eye Surgery Hospitals:
Concerning older medical facilities which require Type-1 Essential Electrical Systems (ESS) (Life Safety Brach & Critical Branch) Generator and ATS:
When does it become required to provide ESS, just during significant remodel or is...
Grandfathering Power Requirements to Eye Surgery Hospitals:
Concerning older medical facilities which require Type-1 Essential Electrical Systems (ESS) (Life Safety Brach & Critical Branch) Generator and ATS:
When does it become required to provide ESS, just during significant remodel or is...
I was trying to Edit-Paste-Special some excel spreadsheets panels “nn.xls” format into AutoCAD 2002 but it no longer has this "Edit-Paste-Special" as “AutoCAD entity” feature! Rather as “edit-paste-special” as “%PRODUCT entity type” which does not work with my excel spreadsheets.
I was trying to Edit-Paste-Special some excel spreadsheets panels “nn.xls” format into AutoCAD 2002 but it no longer has this "Edit-Paste-Special" as “AutoCAD entity” feature! Rather as “edit-paste-special” as “%PRODUCT entity type” which does not work with my excel spreadsheets.
What I meant was AutoCADD 2002 no longer has edit-paste-special as AutoCADD entity, rather as edit-paste-special %PRODUCT type, which does not work with my excel spreadsheets. Anyone out there with a solution? Thanks-
I was trying to Edit-Paste-Special some excel spreadsheets panels.xls into AutoCAD but it no longer has this "Edit-Paste-Special" feature! What do you do now to insert spreadsheets as usable text? Thanks.