At work i have been asked to design a foundation were vehicles drive over. The worst case is the vehicle wheel on the edge of the foundation. It is central in the other direction.
The eccentricity is outside the middle third therefore 2/3 x Rv/x formula does not apply as x is zero. If there...
I am using meyernofs bearing capacity equation and meyernofs inclination factors to calculate bearing capacity . The angle of internal friction is zero. How does this effect calculating iy?
Would it be counted as zero and the shape of the foundation not counted in the bearing capacity equation?
I am analysing a soil which has a cohesion value of 0Kn/m2. The soil is a granular material. I am trying to analyse the foundation in sliding.
When calculating sliding the formula is
Rv tan angle of friction/Rh
If you take out the angle of friction the formula becomes
This results in...
I have been asked to design a small retaining wall. Tests have shown effective cohesion to be 20kn/m2. Soil unit weight 18kn/m3
The problem is the retaining wall is only 1m high.
When calculating the thrust I am using the formula
= (Ka*soilunitweight*H)-(2*c*(Ka^1/2))
Bells solution
I have been asked to design a retaining wall. I need to check the ground bearing pressure.
The retainiing wall is shown in the pdf
C35 reinforced concrete is used. Surrchagre taken as 10kn/m2. DOT type 1 slag taken as 18kn/m3.
How do i calculate the maximum bearing presure? The allowable is...