I have a copy of:
Shackelford, Aubry, "Using the Ideal Gas Specific Heat Ratio for Relief Valve Sizing", Chemical Engineering, pp. 54-59, November 2003.
I am struggling to understand how, in the first worked example he presents (Case I), the isentropic expansion coefficient (n) of 0.746 is...
You are correct but I am making some simplifying assumptions - immediately prior to blowdown, ESD valves will close. Therefore there will be no flow and the static mix of gas/liq will approximate to the ratio of the volumetric flowrates prior to ESD closure, with the wetted areas calculated as...
25362, many thanks for your reply. I actually already had these formulas - the problem is solving the first equation for theta so that one can then determine the perimeter. I did not know how to rearrange for theta=????.
The problem I am trying to solve is this:
knowing the volumetric flows...
I am looking for an equation which can relate the ratio of the wetted perimeter to the partial area (WP:PA) of a horizontal pipe part filled with liquid.
I am familiar with the usual partial volume equations and use them regularly however the starting point with these is that you typically know...