No, you didn't post too late. After having a look at your site, which is great btw, and a look at some of my old textbooks I managed quite well. Thank you for your efforts and time!
Thank you, what you have said is the most sensible thing to do. I will have to think on this to come up with a pratical knockdown. I do not have detailed runoff information for the area as a result I am finding my way without a torch.
Yes you are right. What I said in the writeup is that to use the Ksp values for the solubility calculations, the concentrations I find for each of the partially soluble arsenates will be maximum values for saturated solutions. ie Infinite contact time. For smaller time periods or events, the...
Thank you for your comments. What I have done for now, is produce a list of solubility product calculations for all possible arsenates since these are the partially soluble forms of arsenic, whereas the acidic forms and the arsenites would be too mobile for such a long term evaluation.
Here is some additional background
Lead Arsenate was a popular insecticide during the first half of the 20th century because of its low toxicity to plants and great effectiveness for controlling insect pests. The most common use was for control of codling moth on commercial apple orchards...
Thank you both for your contributions. Fattdad I'm glad you outlined in that way, as I have been at a loss really for this. The general theme was that town inspectors were concerned about arsenic entering runoff and wanted us to come up with a simple proof using a concentration in soil, to...
Let me add that I am aware that arsenic occurs in various forms before it undergoes desorption. This can be triggered by the reduction of Fe 3 to Fe 2 oxides in the soil for example.
My problem is that a general solubility calculation is required for this situation, provided only with an...
Yes I am more concerned with runoff, i should have stated that instead of saying groundwater. This is part of the analysis in that the town is looking for a calculated method to show how much of this "available" arsenic,(no concern for arsenite or arsenate, will enter solution.
Basically a...
Hello all
A site which used to be an old orchard is producing soil samples with 100 ppm arsenic concentrations. Let us assume this is "available" arsenic, as in, if possible it will enter water solution.
What would be an effective calculation method to show this "available" arsenic's...