Thanks for the clarification IFstuff.
Can I get near infra red system that can be used in water? I expect that for this to be applicable in my case, the ROV will carry the near IR stuff in water.
StoneCold, so you believe that it IR is not absorbed by water. If this is true, it appears then that IR could be able to give us trace.
How do I get an IR system to try?
It appears to me that underwater visibility has relative definition. Mr A with good eyesight in water would see better than Mr B with no so good eye vision. Does this make sense?
Is there any tool to measure underwater visibility?
Thank you so much for the contributions.
I am a diver and do work with ROVs too but I still need help here. This is a real problem not theory.
-If the pressure is not much and the not a pin hole, there may not be enough acoustic to trace the hole.
-Sniffer and Scanning system means that the ROV...
I need an infra red detecting equipment for my submarine instrument. My instrument is submarine robot that suppose to searched for leaks from pipelines submerged in dirty underwater condition. My thought is that the infra red would be developed from the hot oil leaking from the pipeline and be...