Hi there,
I am working on an existing building and trying to determine base shear due to seismic loads using the ASCE/SEI 41-06, 'Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings'. The building components: walls, slabs etc are cast in place concrete.
Do any of you know of any design examples for...
@Dave: StructTaco
Yeah the building is in Portland Oregon, and they have a provision that states that if the loading is increases 5% from the original design (which was 1950's) then the building will need to be seismically upgraded. We are calling around to get more info on this provision...
So I talked to a guy from Vulcraft and he had a copy of the design manual that would have been used. it is attached below if any one else needs it.
This is only for the H series...
Hey there,
I am working on a project that is to add an eco roof to an existing building, built in 1983. The roof is currently supported by open web steel joists type 20H6 @ 8'-0" O.C. spanning 33ft. Newer versions of the Steel Joist Institute design manual do not have this type of joist listed...