Its been a while since I did this stuff, can anyone please check if my formula's are correct here.
Force = mass x acceleration (thats the easy part),
But for impact force (very simplified) should I just use the expression
Work done = force x distance???
Hi there,
I used to live in England (now live in canada) but I used to work in High Wycombe Bucks at a place called Wycombe Tools and equipment. I remember that we had a line of small CNC mills etc.. Try looking them up in the Yellow Pages, you might find them useful.
I have two specs that I need information on, can anyone send me in the right direction
The tests are: HazL - Window Fragment Hazard Level Analysis
and WINLAC - window lite analysis code.
Any ideas?
I have a bomb mitigation test result in PSI that I would like to equate to an equivelent MPH of wind - any suggestions??
I have the charge of the bomb blast and the distance from the test piece and the pressure at the test piece in PSI, can I use these to equate a mph wind load??