Thank you.
So you mean that if I don't specify anything Ansys understands that the signals are fully uncorrelated, I mean the option by default is that the signals are uncorrelated, aren't they?
If that's right one might assure that the simulation by default is the most conservative, isn't it?
Dear all.
Reading the Ansys Help I find out that in order to take into account the cross correlations between different signals in a multipoint Random Analysis I should use following commands:
COVAL for cospectral values
QDVAL for quadspectral values
PSDSPL for a spatial...
Dear all.
Reading the Ansys Help I find out that in order to take into account the cross correlations between different signals in a multipoint Random Analysis I should use following commands:
COVAL for cospectral values
QDVAL for quadspectral values
PSDSPL for a spatial...