Dear All,
Please inform me how should I check PIDs for corectness and everything? Is there any book or literature in which is described how shuold be created and reviewed PIDs - some rules, practices, criteria etc?
Can anyone explain how temperature for transportation of different heavy oil fraction is calculated. I am interested exactly on fuel oil and atmospheric residue. I have heard that the required temperature for fuel oil is 110 C.
I just want to understand how designers as a whole, once they have determined the theoritical number of trays convert them into real. Thank you for the answers.
Is there someone who can give me a detailed explanation how to transform teoritical into real number of trays for atmosheric tower fed with the effluent from H OIL reactors (hydrocracking of vacuum residue). The feed is described by a definite number of pseudo components. Is it possible to use...
Is there anyone who can explain to me, how a full TBP curve can be obtained? I mean how can be characterized fractions with boiling points above 540 degree celsium? In our laboratory we have an apparatus for determining TBP up to 540. For the distilled fractions we can determine their density...