I am currently designing a large odd integer bore 15,000psi API 6A compliant ball valve, yet nowhere can I find the over length I am supposed to adhere to in the design of the valve.
I find it doubtful that B16.34/B16.10 can be used as the highest pressure class contained in that standard is...
Update: API 598 States that the equipment used by the valve manufacturer to perform the required pressure tests shall not apply external forces that affect seat leakage.
So we CAN squeeze it as long as we can prove it does not effect the seat/ball connection in any way?
This seems open to some...
I have been told that you can no longer squeeze valves hydraulically when testing them. For instance a valve is placed in a test stand with no flanges. The flanges exist on the test stand and are O-ringed faces that make a seal for testing.
I am working on a new test stand for larger valves and...