What would be a good source book to show how the longerons, stringers, connectivity, etc.. are put together especially for a military jet(supersonic). So far only able to find Aircraft Detail Design Manual by Stanley J Dzik. Thanks again.
Thanks IRstuff. I know what you mean but this is just the initial introduction to sizing an aircraft by the author before actually getting into more of the specifics later on. Appreciate everyone's replies.
"3) "they" frown on student posts" - where else can I get assistance. This wasn't the first site I actually visited. There were 4 other sites I went to including a blog site from Raymer himself:http://02028f5.netsolhost.com/aircraftdesignblog/?p=1#comment-116 whom hasn't answered as of yet. This...
I left out the rest of the example for brevity. Here's the whole thing:
ASW Requirements
The key requirements for this mission for our hypothectical antisubmarine would be: the ability to loiter for 3 hrs at a distance of 1500n miles from the takeoff point. While loitering on-station, this...
I'm currently reading Aircraft Design:A Conceptual Approach by Raymer. On page 31 there is an example of sizing calculations performed on an anti-submarine aircraft:
Mission Segment Weight Fractions:
1) Warmup and takeoff W1/W0 = 0.97
2) Climb W2/W1 = 0.985
3) Cruise...