How do you model a standpipe with a 1.6 inch wide notch in a 12 inch diameter pipe that 0.6 feet tall? The sharp crested weir module requires a minimum crest length of 0.5 feet that I cannot seem to change?
Thanks but..
What if you are modeling a future scenario and all you have is zoning information? You know the lots will be 1/4 acre. Table 2-2a of TR-55 assumes a 38% average percent impervious. Should you assume that 38% includes the adjacent road? or add in the assumed road area with a CN...
When using HydroCad or other TR-55-based model, the Curve Number for residential areas can be calculated using Table 2-2a in the TR-55 documentation. The "average impervious area" for the various residential densities are given, and can be used to calculate a weighted CN for the residential...