Hi John,
My apologies for my lack of clarity.
Yes, the List Components report does display the full network path of the files in our native NX environment (i.e. G:\library\hai\unistrut\channel_nuts\uc1007t-m8). However, where the List Components report fails me is where it lists the Part...
Can anyone tell me if it is possible to modify the Assembly Navigator, in NX8, to display the network parth of the files displayed? I need more, in one report, that neither the List Components program, or the Assembly Navigator will give me.
Thanks in advance,
Eric E.
Good morning. I am new to CATIA V5, but have been working with UG/NX for 13 years. I am looking for recommendations on resources I should use to build my understanding of CATIA; something that I could also use to share with other users in my origanization. Many of the training courses I have...
Does anybody know of a way to import part files to another from a palette in NX5? I have pre-built assemblies which contain components and solid geometry that I would like the users to be able to import.