Luckily we have a lot of Mazak's and one of our customers is using UG to program Mazak's as well, and they have offered to share their posts and knowledge with us. Also, I know Mazak Kentucky uses UG for the advanced demonstrations and programming.
I haven't had good experiences with GibbsCAM...
The OS is Windows XP 32bit with 4GB of RAM. I hope to upgrade soon to Windows 7 64Bit, once all the bugs are worked out of windows. How much of a performance jump is it going to 64Bit windows versus 32 bit?
Thank you for all your replies. It always helps to hear it from people that are using it everyday.
With the posts that we need, we are looking to start out with a few of the machine toolkits, and the rest of our advanced posts Siemens will be writing until I can take a class on post builder...
I am a Manufacturing Engineer for a mid-size Job shop (>100 employees) that machines everything from small aluminum parts to large castings (>50 tons). We are currently looking to change CAM software from GibbsCAM to NX. I was wondering what we can expect to see from NX as far as performance...