I think you hit the nail on the head. Someone wasn't thinking about water pumps. Now the suction side of the pump sucks water from the head, through a gasket that is prone to fail into an aluminum housing and back into the block. When the thermostat opens, the water gets SUCKED through...
I was sort of thinking of doing a similar thing add a separate pump and be done with it. Although, I'll probably just try the original setup first since I have a new pump.
But now I sure know why there are problems.
Thanks for your help.
I assumed they knew what they were doing as well. The fact remains that if you look on any BMW discussion forum, the single biggest problem is the cooling system. Many people have trouble bleeding it with the result that the engine overheats. When it over heats it warps the head and blows...
I have been involved cars as a hobby for some time. I recently obtained a 1995 BMW. One of its weak points is the cooling system. I'm rebuilding the engine and was just looking at how the water pump fits. It is a centrifugal design pump. Water has to run through a fairly small opening to get to...