I'm sorry for the poor choice of words. There are no "findings". It has just been from what I hear that in the past, the 3 motors on the VFDs have been replaced while the one of the FV starter has been working fine. I jumped into this without enough information for anyone to provide a...
The only additional info that I have to shed light on this is that it is not a cooling issue. There are two other motors that have the same setup and we are finding that they need to be replaced also. Interestingly enough, an older Westinghouse FV starter with the same type of motor has been...
Here are the stats:
CH Ampgard MV Control Nameplate Data
Starter Type: Solid State RV/Induction
Rated Voltage: 4160V, 3-PH
Rated Load: 450HP, SF 1.0
Dwg Ref: ASMV0CP9S01, Mfg Date: 05/06
US Motors Titan II Nameplate Data
FR 5008P, Type RU, Encl WPI
Ph 3, 50 degree C, ID# M 12 20082021-0001 R...
One last question to close-out my concerns on this topic. What is the revised impedance with this reconnection? The nameplate impedance says 2.4%. Is it half of that since I'm reconnecting the windings in parallel?
David: So, it seems that I would need to follow waross's instructions (paralleling the secondary windings internally) to be able to connect the 3 xmfrs into a 208Y/120V system. Thank you for your insight.
On a slightly happier note: Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year!
jmmee97: Thank you for trying. Could you provide the title of the manual, some sort of book number associated with it and a publishing date? Maybe I can find it somewhere on the web?
The US Dept of Defense, specifically, the US Army has been privatizing the utilities (sewer, water, electricity) on all posts on the continental US and here in Hawaii. Each post, through a consultant, inventories the system to be privatized and a bid package put together for advertisement &...
David: Let me provide you the nameplate information on the transformer:
Manufacturer: ABB; Oil-filled; Pole-mounted
HV 7200/12470Y; LV 120/240; 37.5kVA
Taps 1/A 7200; 2/B 7020; 3/C 6840; 4/D 6660; 5/E 6480
I've also attached the photo of the nameplate.
waross: Thank you for the insight. I...
Thanks for the quick response, the nameplate info on the 120/240V transformers show LV/2, so it is center tapped. So you're saying that to your knowledge, what the EE is expecting is not possible?
I'm stumped. A EE specified a bank of three, single phase transformers factory wired 120/240V on the secondary side, but required the contractor to wire it into a 208Y/120V. When I approached the EE, he said that the 208Y/120V can be achieved by tying the neutral terminals and leg terminals...
One BIG note that I thought of and would also suggest to support the purchase of the book through the ABB site that dpc has posted, is the prospect of the pdf file having a virus on it. I researched a little about pdf viruses. To my limited knowledge, at this point, the pdf virus(es) only...
Thank you dpc. I wasn't aware that ABB had the rights to the book. I looked at the website and searched it to see if ABB also had the rights to the Distribution System (Electric Utility Engineering Reference Book, 3), but to no avail. Are you aware of a website that I could purchase that book...
thread238-60515 I've recently come across a website www.scribd.com while searching for the subject book on Yahoo search. It looks like you can download the 4th edition, 1964, in pdf format. The approximate size is 96Mb. You will be asked to provide an email acct, create a username and password...