I need a little help with a this.
I have to calculate a "simple sheet lifter" please se the attached file. The calculations have to be made after ASME B30.20 and ASME BTH-1-2008. I want to make the global calculations in Staad.pro and here I can make a global code check. My question is can...
I trying to applying a compression only support in algor. Can somebody help. In anays there is a "compression only" support. I can not find it in Algor.
Thanx GBor
I will do that. It is a brick element, imported from 3D CAD. Just part with two holes, one is suooprted and the other applyed a force tension. (from a shaft)
just modify the surface number for the entire area???? How do I do that?
I am new here and to algor. I trying to apply a force to a hole. I want to use like a bearing load. well that is what it is called in others software. I have tried to spilt the surface in the hole and applying the force, but I get a very high stress in the hole split. I think I have to use...