I forgot to mention: The skylights can be opened, they hinge open to the lower portion of the skylight. Could an open skylight influence the functionality of the smoke alarm by diverting the smoke away from the smoke alarm location? Is there a passage in the NFPA 72 about this?
thank you for your responses so far. I have added a plan of the living room in question. The background is that a city building inspector has mandated us this unusual location of a smoke alarm, but we are unsure whether...
1. this location is really required acording the NFPA 72 or another...
I have a living room that is 16' x 18' in size. There is a skylight shaft in the middle that has 2 2'x4' skylights with 4/12 pitch and a shaft that flares out 1' to all sides, so the ceiling opening to the shaft is roughly 6'x6'. The highest point of the skylights is about 4' higher than...