By George, it worked! I specified a 500N load for each node and got a result with only 0.25% error.
I can see why applying a pressure load would lead to a more accurate analysis than a series of point loads. However, selecting the Pressure load type in ABAQUS only lets me apply it to the...
Sorry, there's a typo in my previous post. The ABAQUS deflection results are over one order of magnitude greater than those based on beam deflection theory (I must have been thinking I needed the ABAQUS results smaller as I was writing that statement).
Corus: I don't think applying the...
Hello everyone,
I am trying to calculate the max deflection U2 of a 3D cantilever beam of square cross-section with a load at the free end. I have completely constrained the fixed end and placed concentrated forces on the top nodes of the free end. To keep the beam from bending along the...