Thanks Count I appreciate it... this is my first time to handle a project like this...
And by the way, thank you too willard3... That's what I intend to do on this site... seeking healthy tips... and some motivational advise...
Hello Guys!
I'm back on this thread.
I have a few concerns regarding this subject. I hope i could get some help ffrom you guys out there.
Existing unit schedule stated that it supplies 9600 CFM and the replacement unit supplies 12000 CFM. The Bypass air will increase by as much as 20%, hence...
thanks cdxx and trashcanman!
Sorry for the data trashcanman.
the design room condition was 78/50%.
i did get the mixing air condition.
however, i'm still confused for the data you've given me for the leaving coil condition of the unit.
i'm sorry again for the lacking information. the...
Hello again everyone!
I'm here again to get some tips.
An existing package ventilation unit will be replace/retrofitted by a new one.
The present system works on with a bypass air return to the unit.
Th old unit supplies 8000CFM ventilation air passing through a reheat coil unit to an air...