I am trying to locate the acceptable limit per Canadian code for ground vibration acceleration in m/sec^2 in the 50 -160 Hz range. I'm looking to asses vibration levels created by subway trains passing through a residential area.
Thank you in advance for the help.
Ok, seems like I completly misunderstood what the value L1 meant in codecalc. It works now.
One last question. Is there some way to combine a hillside nozzle and an angled lateral nozzle? In my scenario I have a hillside nozzle as described above that is angled upwards from the horizontal...
Thanks for the advice. I thought it was strange that I couldn't model this. I must have missed something when I was input everything into the program. I'll take another shot at it.
Hello everyone,
I am trying to design the reinforcement for a new nozzle and found that the current layout I have is not support by the program Codecalc. I have resorted to doing the area replacement calculation by hand, but was wondering if the methods described in ASME VIII Div 1 UG-37 are...
Does anyone know of a method or tool that can measure the circumferential profile/contour of a deformed pipe? This "device" would have to be capable of measuring a pipe as large as 26" OD in an outside enviroment. The data obtained from this device would be used to plot out the shape and...
Does anyone know if the AWWA Standard D100-05 covers the design of flat panel rectangular storage tanks? I would like to have an idea if this is covered before I purchase the specification.
Thank you.
Hello everyone,
I am looking for a North American standard that will cover the design and construction of a rectangular planar sided steel welded storage tank. I found a standard in the Eurocode 3 Part 4-1: Silos but I was wondering if anyone knows of more directly applicable standard.
Thank you everyone for your replies. This was a simplification of a problem I am working on. Needed confirmation that I was on the right track since I haven't looked into these types of things for some time now.
Thanks again!